
The Life of a Teacher

I am now teaching special education to grades kindergarten, 1, and 2. My kids are so wonderful! They are curious, creative, silly, and absorb everything they are taught. They just have a hard time sorting through all the information they have to be able to spit it out when asked! I have 13 children who are with me all day long and 2 that are only with me for just mornings. I have 14 boys and 1 girl. Mostly all of them have ADHD + Autism, though those disabilities do not define them. They each have very unique personalities and languages... like "Shanese" "Alexinian". ;) Each day my perseverance and patience is tested over and over and over again by my children and also by adults! I am very happy to have my job and I know that God has placed me in this classroom for a reason.

So where have I been the past year? Oh tons of things have changed. I waitressed at Chili's, I worked for Alfred Angelo Bridal.... and didn't like it! Sorry ladies, but when I get married, I will not be buying my dress from them. I liked Chili's much better. So while working at these two places, I was working on applying to the school district I am now employed with, however, I was just hoping to be a substitute. I was hired as one and then over the summer I decided to apply for 2 elementary regular ed positions. I was then called to interview for a special ed position at the middle school - learning support. I did well very well at the interview and was later asked to take the former classroom of the man who took the middle school position - elementary life skills. I was hesitant and scared and said, while on the phone with the district superintendent "Sure.... I think I can do that." She said, "Oh! You can do it!" Then the Principal called and welcomed me and I went to see the room! 3 days later I started with in-service and a week later school began and my kiddos were with me.

God has blessed me with my job, family, and close friends. I still remain involved with Campus Crusade through my financial support - though I really hope to be involved as affiliate staff in the near future. Have a wonderful day! :o)